Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Update: Delay on Animated Project

Hello, this is Alain Alexander Mesa.

Yes it's been some time, and there has been major delay on production and animation of GalacticVirus (TM).

Not to worry. All new promos are to be up soon, as well as Online Webisodes before the movie premiers !

Be patient aliens !

Thursday, March 12, 2009


New Animated Feature by Alain Alexander Mesa

Hey everyone ! My name is Alain Alexander Mesa and I created this blog to chronicle the making of my new animated sci-fi comedy entitled Galactic Virus

The "Galactic Virus" is a cyber-organic alien virus which originates on a world only known as the "Hive". Centuries ago, according to all inter-planetary data, this virus was released on one planet, and not only rendered all populations of life extinct, but spawned a new race of drones. This world was quarantined long ago, as tragically, the effects of the Galactic Virus cannot be reversed. A Cosmic Peace Treaty was established, which banned the possession of this alien Class 6 Bio-Terrorist Agent. Since then no reported cases of infection on any world have surfaced.

Unknown to most, however, the virus was not eradicated but instead stored. Alien Terrorists have stolen the frozen viral prototype and lost it on artificial planet, modelled after the late Earth, called Terrados (second-earth).

Terrados has always been a diverse world, a beacon of prosperity and cultural exchange, and a melting pot of over one hundred thousand alien species to date. The lives of inhabitants of this world will be run into chaos as the Galactic Virus once again rears its ugly membrane among innocent civilians.


Production Crew:

Alain A Mesa - creator and animator

Laura S Scherling - art/background designer 

Frankie D Romero - music and sound engineer